
My name is Tien-Thanh Nguyen - you can call me TT. I’m robotics reseacher, working on all kinds of cool stuffs: Unmanned Vehicles (UAV, UGV, USV, …), robotic manipulation, perception, and integration.

I love applying and sharing my knowledge to build things that people can try, test and eventually improve. You can find most of my opensource work in this blog and in my GITHUB.

I try to read more frequently, and start writing as well. This website could be great way to setup my reading and writing habit. You can join me in GoodReads.

I have great passion for marathon running. Follow me in Strava.

This Website

This blog is a summary of my practicing process, as well as showcase of my progress in research, reading or running. I hope with this website I can get to know people with similar passions who can join me on the journey.

Feel free to reach out to reach out to say Hi!

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this site are solely my own opinions at the writing moment.